Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
Foreign language
30 | - | assessment | obligatory |
20 | 1 | exam | obligatory |
15 | 1 | exam | obligatory |
50 | 5 | exam | obligatory |
50 | 4 | exam | obligatory |
50 | 4 | exam | obligatory |
25 | 2 | assessment | obligatory |
50 | 4 | exam | obligatory |
50 | 4 | exam | obligatory |
25 | 2 | exam | elective |
13 | 1 | assessment | elective |
Health and Safety Training
4 | - | exam | obligatory |
25 | 2 | exam | elective |
Kierunek Earth Sciences in a Changing World
Informacje podstawowe
Nazwa wydziału: Wydział Geografii i Geologii |
Nazwa kierunku: Earth Sciences in a Changing World |
Poziom: pierwszego stopnia |
Forma: studia stacjonarne |
Profil: ogólnoakademicki |
Klasyfikacja ISCED: 0532 |
Liczba semestrów: 6 |
Język studiów: angielski |
Tytuł zawodowy nadawany absolwentom: licencjat |
Dyscyplina wiodąca: Nauki o Ziemi i środowisku |
Opis realizacji programu
Program kształcenia ma charakter ogólny, bez podziału na specjalizacje ani tematyczne moduły. Obejmuje zajęcia obligatoryjne oraz fakultatywne. Dobierając kursy spośród kursów fakultatywnych możliwe jest realizowanie programu kształcenia zgodnego z zainteresowaniami. Stosowane metody dydaktyczne to: metody podające, np. wykład informacyjny; metody aktywizujące, np. seminarium; metody praktyczne, tj. ćwiczenia przedmiotowe, ćwiczenia laboratoryjne, ćwiczenia terenowe, metoda projektów.
Ukończenie studiów
praca dyplomowa i egzamin dyplomowy
Jeśli chcesz dowiedzieć się więcej, otwórz cały program studiów
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
Foreign language
30 | - | assessment | obligatory |
25 | 2 | exam | obligatory |
50 | 4 | exam | obligatory |
50 | 4 | exam | obligatory |
25 | 2 | exam | obligatory |
25 | 2 | exam | obligatory |
25 | 4 | exam | obligatory |
48 | 4 | exam | obligatory |
26 | 2 | exam | elective |
25 | 2 | exam | elective |
30 | 3 | exam | elective |
13 | 1 | exam | elective |
20 | 2 | exam | elective |
See additional information
Kursy do wyboru mogą być wybierane na dowolnym roku studiów/ All non-obligatory courses may be chosen and realized during any year of studies, regardless their formal assignements in the study programme
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
Physical Education
30 | - | assessment | obligatory |
Foreign language
30 | 2 | assessment | obligatory |
36 | 3 | exam | obligatory |
28 | 2 | exam | obligatory |
65 | 5 | exam | obligatory |
45 | 4 | exam | obligatory |
40 | 3 | assessment | obligatory |
25 | 2 | exam | obligatory |
45 | 4 | exam | elective |
35 | 3 | exam | elective |
25 | 2 | assessment | elective |
45 | 3 | exam | elective |
30 | 3 | exam | elective |
30 | 3 | exam | elective |
See additional information
Kursy do wyboru mogą być wybierane na dowolnym roku studiów/ All non-obligatory courses may be chosen and realized during any year of studies, regardless their formal assignements in the study programme
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
Physical Education
30 | - | assessment | obligatory |
Foreign language
30 | 2 | assessment | obligatory |
40 | 4 | exam | obligatory |
25 | 2 | exam | obligatory |
28 | 3 | exam | obligatory |
15 | 1 | assessment | obligatory |
15 | 1 | exam | obligatory |
30 | 3 | assessment | elective |
50 | 3 | exam | elective |
30 | 3 | exam | elective |
30 | 3 | exam | elective |
25 | 2 | exam | elective |
30 | 3 | exam | elective |
25 | 2 | exam | elective |
See additional information
Kursy do wyboru mogą być wybierane na dowolnym roku studiów/ All non-obligatory courses may be chosen and realized during any year of studies, regardless their formal assignements in the study programme
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
15 | 1 | assessment | obligatory |
20 | 4 | assessment | obligatory |
38 | 3 | exam | obligatory |
38 | 3 | exam | obligatory |
25 | 2 | exam | obligatory |
25 | 2 | exam | obligatory |
14 | 1 | assessment | elective |
14 | 1 | assessment | elective |
38 | 3 | exam | elective |
30 | 3 | exam | elective |
38 | 3 | exam | elective |
20 | 1 | exam | elective |
13 | 1 | exam | elective |
60 | 5 | assessment | elective |
See additional information
Kursy do wyboru mogą być wybierane na dowolnym roku studiów/ All non-obligatory courses may be chosen and realized during any year of studies, regardless their formal assignements in the study programme
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
15 | 1 | assessment | obligatory |
20 | 4 | assessment | obligatory |
25 | 2 | exam | obligatory |
25 | 2 | exam | obligatory |
50 | 4 | exam | obligatory |
25 | 2 | exam | elective |
15 | 1 | exam | elective |
30 | 3 | exam | elective |
25 | 2 | exam | elective |
25 | 2 | exam | elective |
25 | 2 | exam | elective |
25 | 2 | exam | elective |
25 | 2 | assessment | elective |
See additional information
Kursy do wyboru mogą być wybierane na dowolnym roku studiów/ All non-obligatory courses may be chosen and realized during any year of studies, regardless their formal assignements in the study programme