Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
34 | 2 | assessment | obligatory |
80 | - | - | obligatory |
Foreign language at level B2+
30 | - | assessment | obligatory |
30 | 3 | exam | obligatory |
42 | 3 | exam | obligatory |
30 | 4 | exam | obligatory |
30 | 2 | assessment | obligatory |
15 | 2 | assessment | obligatory |
BHK, Health and Safety
4 | - | assessment | obligatory |
obligatory |
Kierunek Environmental Protection and Management
Informacje podstawowe
Nazwa wydziału: Wydział Biologii |
Nazwa kierunku: Environmental Protection and Management |
Poziom: drugiego stopnia |
Forma: studia stacjonarne |
Profil: ogólnoakademicki |
Klasyfikacja ISCED: 0521 |
Liczba semestrów: 4 |
Język studiów: angielski |
Tytuł zawodowy nadawany absolwentom: magister |
Dyscyplina: Nauki biologiczne |
Opis realizacji programu
Program studiów Environmental Protection and Management składa się z kursów obowiązkowych i ponadto umożliwia studentowi wybór modułów zajęć, którym przypisano punkty 67 ECTS (Master Project, Seminar oraz przedmioty fakultatywne z listy).
Ponadto student musi uzyskać w ramach zajęć z obszarów nauk humanistycznych lub społecznych 5 ECTS realizując przedmioty:
• Social and Economic Aspects of Nature Conservation
• Governance of natural resources
Ukończenie studiów
Przygotowanie i złożenie pracy dyplomowej oraz zdanie egzaminu dyplomowego.
Praca dyplomowa jest pracą pisemną dotyczącą ważnych i aktualnych zagadnień związanych z ochroną środowiska i zarządzaniem zasobami przyrody, przygotowaną w oparciu o przeprowadzone badania eksperymentalne w laboratorium lub w terenie.
Jeśli chcesz dowiedzieć się więcej, otwórz cały program studiów
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
45 | 4 | exam | obligatory |
30 | 2 | assessment | obligatory |
34 | 2 | assessment | obligatory |
15 | 9 | exam | obligatory |
30 | 2 | exam | obligatory |
Foreign language at level B2+
30 | 2 | exam | obligatory |
30 | 3 | exam | obligatory |
23 | 1 | assessment | obligatory |
30 | 2 | assessment | obligatory |
15 | 3 | assessment | obligatory |
obligatory | |||
50 | 4 | exam | elective |
15 | 2 | exam | elective |
30 | 4 | exam | elective |
36 | 3 | assessment | elective |
54 | 4 | assessment | elective |
30 | 4 | assessment | elective |
15 | 1 | assessment | elective |
30 | 3 | assessment | elective |
40 | 3 | assessment | elective |
120 | 10 | assessment | elective |
See additional information
Do ukończenia studiów wymagane jest zaliczenie kursów fakultatywnych ujętych w planie studiów za co najmniej 24 ECTS (I rok - 14 ECTS, II rok - 10 ECTS).
To complete the programme of studies, it is necessary to earn at least 24 ECTS [14 ECTS in the 1st year, and 10 ECTS in the 2nd year] passing an appropriate number of elective courses [marked with F] included in the curriculum of studies (see the enclosed list).
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
40 | 3 | exam | obligatory |
30 | 2 | exam | obligatory |
30 | 2 | assessment | obligatory |
60 | 15 | assessment | obligatory |
obligatory | |||
30 | 2 | assessment | elective |
30 | 4 | assessment | elective |
30 | 2 | assessment | elective |
30 | 4 | exam | elective |
30 | 4 | exam | elective |
30 | 4 | exam | elective |
42 | 3 | assessment | elective |
30 | 2 | assessment | elective |
30 | 2 | assessment | elective |
30 | 3 | exam | elective |
38 | 4 | exam | elective |
See additional information
Do ukończenia studiów wymagane jest zaliczenie kursów fakultatywnych ujętych w planie studiów za co najmniej 24 ECTS (I rok - 14 ECTS, II rok - 10 ECTS).
To complete the programme of studies, it is necessary to earn at least 24 ECTS [14 ECTS in the 1st year, and 10 ECTS in the 2nd year] passing an appropriate number of elective courses [marked with F] included in the curriculum of studies (see the enclosed list).
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
30 | 3 | assessment | obligatory |
50 | 4 | assessment | obligatory |
16 | 2 | exam | obligatory |
30 | 2 | exam | obligatory |
30 | 2 | assessment | obligatory |
60 | 15 | assessment | obligatory |
obligatory | |||
50 | 4 | exam | elective |
15 | 2 | exam | elective |
30 | 4 | exam | elective |
36 | 3 | assessment | elective |
30 | 4 | assessment | elective |
15 | 1 | assessment | elective |
30 | 3 | assessment | elective |
40 | 3 | assessment | elective |
120 | 10 | assessment | elective |
54 | 4 | assessment | elective |
See additional information
Do ukończenia studiów wymagane jest zaliczenie kursów fakultatywnych ujętych w planie studiów za co najmniej 24 ECTS (I rok - 14 ECTS, II rok - 10 ECTS).
To complete the programme of studies, it is necessary to earn at least 24 ECTS [14 ECTS in the 1st year, and 10 ECTS in the 2nd year] passing an appropriate number of elective courses [marked with F] included in the curriculum of studies (see the enclosed list).