Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
60 | 10 | exam | obligatory |
30 | 5 | exam | obligatory |
obligatory | |||
obligatory |
Kierunek European Studies
Informacje podstawowe
Nazwa wydziału: Wydział Studiów Międzynarodowych i Politycznych |
Nazwa kierunku: European Studies |
Poziom: drugiego stopnia |
Forma: studia stacjonarne |
Profil: ogólnoakademicki |
Klasyfikacja ISCED: 0312 |
Liczba semestrów: 4 |
Język studiów: angielski |
Tytuł zawodowy nadawany absolwentom: magister |
Dyscyplina wiodąca: Nauki o polityce i administracji |
Opis realizacji programu
Program jest zróżnicowany, co wynika z umów konsorcyjnych zawartych przez Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Zawiera trzy ścieżki specjalizacyjne: 1) Unia Europejska, 2) Europa Środkowo-Wschodnia, 3) Kultura i Dziedzictwo Europejskie. Oprócz tego istnieją jeszcze trzy specjalizacje powiązane z programami prowadzonymi w międzynarodowych konsorcjach. Każda z nich posiada swoją specyfikę, odnoszącą się albo do zagadnień, albo do poszczególnych obszarów/regionów. Wspólny rdzeń stanowią zagadnienia związane z kontynentem europejskim, w tym z Unią Europejską. Poza tym w ramach studiów oferownane są podwójne dyplomy z uniwersytetatmi w Padwie i Strasburgu, opierające się na wymianie studentów (polscy studenci spędzają rok w Padwie lub Strasbourgu, a studenci z tych uczelni przyjeżdżają na UJ). Podobnie funkcjonują programy double degree z Catholic University of Portugal oraz uniwersytetem w Kobe, gdzie uczestnik programu spędza rok w każdej z uczelni, wypełniając wymogi obu programów przez nie oferowanych, i otrzymuje podwójny dyplom. Programy konsorcyjne: Program Euroculture organizowany jest w ramach grantu Erasmus Mundus, prowadzony przez konsorcjum 8 uniwersytetów europejskich oraz 4 uniwersytetów pozaeuropejskich. Student wybiera ścieżkę mobilności pomiędzy dwoma lub trzema uczelniami z konsorcjum (w tym UJ). W zależności od wybranej ścieżki mobilności, student uzyskuje joint lub double degree. Podobnie jest w programe CEERES, organizowanym w ramach grantu Erasmus Mundus, prowadzonym przez konsorcjum 8 uniwersytetów, koordynowanym przez uniwersytety w Glasgow i Tartu. Student spędza pierwszy rok studiów w Tartu i w Glasgow, następnie wybiera jeden z uniwersytetów partnerskich (w tym UJ), w drugim roku studiów. Student dostaje trzy dyplomy z każdej z ww. uczelni (multiple degree). Program European Politics & Society jest także programem Erasmus Mundus, prowadzonym przez konsorcjum 4 uniwersytetów koordynowanych przez Uniwersytet Karola w Pradze. Student wybiera ścieżkę mobilności do trzech z czterech uczelni w konsorcjum i otrzymuje Joint Degree. Program IMESS realizowany jest przez konsorcjum 8 uniwersytetów i koordynowany przez University College London, gdzie student spędza pierwszy rok, natomiast w drugim roku wybiera jedną z uczelni partnerskich. Program zakończony jest dyplomem double degree. Szczegółowe wymogi poszczególnych programów:
International Masters in Central and East European, Russian and Eurasian Studies
W programie IMCEERES student spędza pierwszy semestr I roku w Uniwersytecie w Tartu, następnie drugi semestr I roku w Uniwersytecie w Glasgow, a w II roku wybiera jedną z uczelni w konsorcjum. Jeśli student wybierze Uniwersytet Jagielloński, w II roku zobligowany jest do zaliczenia: 1. kursu European Civilisation (10 ECTS), 2. Seminarium i obrony pracy magisterskiej (łącznie 30 ECTS); 3. Praktyk studenckich (5 ECTS). Student może opcjonalnie wybrać język obcy za maximum 6 ECTS. Pozostałe punkty do wypełnienia wymogu 60 ECTS w II roku studiów student zdobywa wybierając kursy fakultatywne dla MA in European Studies: oraz inne kursy z oferty Instytutu Studiów Europejskich po uzgodnieniu z koordynatorem programu. Pozostałe wymogi kierunkowe student wypełnia w uczelniach partnerskich. Aby ukończyć studia student musi napisać i obronić pracę magisterską i zgromadzić przynajmniej 120 ECTS.
The European Politics and Society (EPS): Vaclav Havel Joint Master Programme
W programie EPS student spędza pierwszy semestr I roku w Uniwersytecie Karola w Pradze, następnie może spędzić drugi semestr I roku w Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim lub w Uniwersytecie w Lejdzie. W II roku student wybiera jedną z czterech uczelni w konsorcjum (Uniwersytet Karola w Pradze, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Uniwersytet w Barcelonie lub Uniwersytet w Lejdzie). Student, który spędza drugi semestr I roku w UJ zobligowany jest do zaliczenia: 1. Introduction to Finances in the EU (5 ECTS), 2. EU Administration, Justice and Home Affairs: Actors, Norms and Challenges (5 ECTS) lub EU Administration, Justice and Home Affairs: Towards a European Administrative Space (5 ECTS), 3. Metodologii (5 ECTS), 4. Lektoratu języka obcego (5 ECTS). Pozostałe kursy do wypełnienia wymogu min. 30 ECTS w semestrze student wybiera z kursów fakultatywnych i opcjonalnych dla MA in European Studies po uzgodnieniu z koordynatorem programu. Student spędzający II rok studiów w UJ zobligowany jest do zaliczenia 1. Seminarium i pracy magisterskiej (30 ECTS), 2. Praktyk (15 ECTS). Pozostałe kursy do wypełnienia wymogu min. 30 ECTS w semestrze student wybiera z kursów fakultatywnych i opcjonalnych dla MA in European Studies po uzgodnieniu z koordynatorem programu. Pozostałe wymogi kierunkowe student wypełnia w uczelniach partnerskich. Aby ukończyć studia student musi napisać i obronić pracę magisterską i zgromadzić przynajmniej 120 ECTS.
International Masters in Economy, State and Society
W programie IMESS student spędza pierwszy rok w University College London, a drugi rok w jednej z uczelni konsorcjum. Jeśli student wybierze Uniwersytet Jagielloński, w II roku zobligowany jest do zaliczenia: 1. European Civilisation (3 ECTS), 2. Języka obcego (12 ECTS) – jeśli nie zaliczył języka obcego w I roku, 3. seminarium magisterskiego za 30 ECTS. Pozostałe punkty do 60 ECTS student zdobywa wybierając kursy fakultatywne dla MA in European Studies po uzgodnieniu z koordynatorem programu. Pozostałe wymogi kierunkowe student wypełnia w uczelni partnerskiej. Aby ukończyć program student musi napisać i obronić pracę magisterską i zgromadzić 120 ECTS.
Magisterski program double degree realizowany przez Instytut Studiów Europejskich UJ i Uniwersytet w Padwie
W double degree z Uniwersytetem w Padwie student spędza I rok studiów w Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim, a II rok studiów w Uniwersytecie w Padwie. W ISE UJ w Krakowie w I roku student zobligowany jest do zaliczenia: 1) European Civilisation (10 ECTS), 2) EU Institutions and the Decision-Making Process: Policy Practice in the EU (5 ECTS) oraz EU Institutions and the Decision-Making Process: The Political System of the EU (5 ECTS), 3) Democracy, Identity and Civil Society in CEE (5 ECTS), 4) Foreign and International Relations in CEE - theories revisited (5 ECTS) oraz Foreign and International Relations in CEE - view from the field (5 ECTS), 5) Pensiero Politico Europeo (5 ECTS), 6) Introduction to Finances in the EU (5 ECTS), 7) Economy of Central Europe: from Transition to EU Membership (5 ECTS) 8) Seminarium magisterskie (5 ECTS), oraz opcjonalnie lektorat z języka polskiego (studenci z Padwy). Aby ukończyć studia student musi napisać i obronić pracę magisterską i zgromadzić przynajmniej 120 ECTS.
Magisterski program double degree realizowany przez Instytut Studiów Europejskich UJ i Uniwersytet w Strasburgu
Realizując program double degree prowadzony przez ISE z Uniwersytetem w Strasburgu student spędza I rok studiów w Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim, a II rok studiów w partnerskim Uniwersytecie. Na UJ student jest zobligowany do zaliczenia: 1. European Civilisation (10 ECTS), 2. EU Institutions and the Decision-Making Process: Policy Practice in the EU oraz EU Institutions and the Decision-Making Process: The Political System of the EU (łącznie 10 ECTS), 3. European Integration Theory & Practice (5 ECTS) 4. Democracy, Identity and Civil Society in CEE (5 ECTS) LUB Meaning and Value of Democracy from a Philosophical Perspective (5 ECTS), Pozostałe punkty do wypełnienia wymogu 60 ECTS w I roku studiów student zdobywa wybierając kursy specjalizacyjne i fakultatywne dla MA in European Studies, po uzgodnieniu z koordynatorem programu. Pozostałe wymogi kierunkowe student wypełnia w uczelni partnerskiej. Aby ukończyć studia student musi napisać i obronić pracę magisterską pod opieką dwóch promotorów (z Krakowa i ze Strasburga) i zgromadzić przynajmniej 120 ECTS.
Magisterski program double degree realizowany przez Instytut Studiów Europejskich UJ i Universidade Catolica Portuguesa.
Magisterski program double degree realizowany przez Instytut Studiów Europejskich UJ i Uniwersytet w Kobe.
W Double Degree Master's Programme in Law and Politics (Kobe University) i European Studies (Jagiellonian University) student zobligowany jest do wybrania jednej z trzech ścieżek w ramach kierunku European Studies: EU Studies, Europeanisation and Governance in Central and Eastern Europe, lub Central and Eastern European Studies, oraz wypełnienia jej wymogów. Studenci I roku studiów zaliczają w UJ seminarium magisterskie za 10 ECTS, a w II roku uzupełniają drugą część seminarium na Uniwersytecie w Kobe. Aby ukończyć studia student musi napisać i obronić pracę magisterską i zgromadzić przynajmniej 120 ECTS.
Ukończenie studiów
Warunkiem ukończenia studiów jest zaliczenie kursów lub kursów i praktyki w wymiarze minimum 120 punktów ECTS, w tym kursów wskazanych w programie jako kursy obowiązkowe.
Warunkiem uzyskania tytułu magistra jest zaliczenie seminarium dyplomowego oraz napisanie pracy dyplomowej a także zdanie egzaminu dyplomowego.
Jeśli chcesz dowiedzieć się więcej, otwórz cały program studiów
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
obligatory | |||
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
160 | 5 | graded credit | elective |
30 | 5 | assessment | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
See additional information
Over the course of their studies, each student must complete the mandatory subjects for their selected Track, and choose subjects from among the group of elective courses for the tracks offered in a given academic year, earning a minimum total of 25 ECTS. The management of the Institute will indicate which subjects will be available in any given academic year.
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
obligatory | |||
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
obligatory | |||
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
150 | 5 | graded credit | elective |
240 | 15 | graded credit | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
See additional information
Student needs to gain at least 30 ECTS to complete this track.
15 ECTS by completeing the following courses:
- Political and Social History of CEE in the 20th Century: from the turn of Centuries to the end of World War II
- Political and Social History of CEE in the 20th Century: from World War II till the collapse of the Communist system
As well as one of the following:
- Foreign and International Relations in CEE - theories revisited
- Foreign and International Relations in CEE - view from the field
The remaining 15 ECTS need to be selected form the optional courses withinin this track.
Any remaining ECTS necessary to complete the program would need to be collected by first taking at least two courses from the other specialisation (i.e. European Culture and Heritage or EU Studies) or an Internhip, and then by taking any optional course on the MA level from the IES offer.
The management of the Institute will indicate which courses will be available in a given academic year.
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
obligatory | |||
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
obligatory | |||
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
150 | 5 | graded credit | elective |
240 | 15 | graded credit | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
15 | 3 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | assessment | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
See additional information
Student needs to gain at least 30 ECTS to complete this track.
15 ECTS by completeing the following courses:
- EU Institutions and the Decision-Making Process: Policy Practice in the EU
- EU Institutions and the Decision-Making Process: The Political System of the EU
- Introduction to Finances in the EU
- EU Foreign and Security Policy: Europe and global challenges
- EU Administration, Justice and Home Affairs: Actors, Norms and Challenges
- EU Administration, Justice and Home Affairs: Towards a European Administrative Space
The remaining 15 ECTS need to be selected form the optional courses withinin this track.
Any remaining ECTS necessary to complete the program would need to be collected by first taking at least two courses from the other specialisation (i.e. European Culture and Heritage or Central and Eastern European Studies) or an Internhip, and then by taking any optional course on the MA level from the IES offer.
The management of the Institute will indicate which courses will be available in a given academic year.
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
30 | 5 | exam | obligatory |
30 | 5 | exam | obligatory |
30 | 5 | exam | obligatory |
See additional information
In the first semester of the MA in Euroculture: Society, Politics and Culture in a Global Context, students need to conclude the following courses: European Civilisation (10 ECTS), Citizenship, Mobility and Multiculturalism in Europe: Theories and Processes (5 ECTS), Citizenship, Mobility and Multiculturalism in Europe: From Concepts to Practices (5 ECTS), EU Institutions and the Decision-Making Process: Policy Practice in the EU (5 ECTS), as well as Eurocomptences I: Core Skills (5 ECTS). In the second semester students must complete the following modules: Euroculture Methodology Seminar and IP Preparation (10 ECTS), Euroculture Research Seminar: Europe in the Wider World I (5 ECTS), Euroculture Research Seminar: Europe in the Wider World II (5 ECTS), Eurocomptence II: Cultural Project Management (5 ECTS), as well as the Intensive Programme (5 ECTS). In the third semester students have the choice of two tracks: the professional study track includes an Internship (25 ECTS), whereas the academic track includes the Euroculture Workshop: Connecting Academic, Research and Civil Communities (5 ECTS), as well as the Euroculture Research Track and Tutorship, (20 ECTS). All students in the third semester must complete the Euroculture Thesis Proposal (5 ECTS). The fourth semester consists of Eurocomptence III: Research or Professional Project Application Preparation and Writing (5 ECTS), as well as the MA thesis Seminar and Thesis (25 ECTS).
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
obligatory | |||
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
obligatory | |||
15 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
150 | 5 | graded credit | elective |
240 | 15 | graded credit | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | assessment | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
See additional information
Student needs to gain at least 30 ECTS to complete this track.
15 ECTS by completeing the following courses:
- Theory and Practice of Heritage
- Legal Protection of Heritage
- Europeanisation and Transformation of Collective Identities: Theoretical Considerations
- Europeanisation and Transformation of Collective Identities: From Concepts to Analysis
The remaining 15 ECTS need to be selected form the optional courses withinin this track.
Any remaining ECTS necessary to complete the program would need to be collected by first taking at least two courses from the other specialisation (i.e. EU studies or Central and Eastern European Studies) or an Internhip, and then by taking any optional course on the MA level from the IES offer.
The management of the Institute will indicate which courses will be available in a given academic year.
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
obligatory | |||
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
150 | 5 | graded credit | elective |
30 | 5 | assessment | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
See additional information
Over the course of their studies, each student must complete the mandatory subjects for their selected Track, and choose subjects from among the group of elective courses for the tracks offered in a given academic year, earning a minimum total of 25 ECTS. The management of the Institute will indicate which subjects will be available in any given academic year.
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
obligatory | |||
Each student must choose one subject from the 'Methods' group. |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
obligatory | |||
Each student must complete Master Proseminar during the 2nd semester of studies. The student chooses one of the following seminar groups: |
20 | 3 | assessment | elective |
20 | 3 | assessment | elective |
obligatory | |||
Each student must complete the minimum requirement of 120 hours in two consecutive semesters of a given language in at least one of the following subjects: |
60 | 6 | exam | elective |
60 | 6 | exam | elective |
60 | 6 | exam | elective |
60 | 6 | exam | elective |
60 | 6 | exam | elective |
60 | 6 | exam | elective |
60 | 6 | exam | elective |
60 | 6 | exam | elective |
See additional information
In their first year of study each student must complete the following mandatory courses:
– European Civilisation
– European Integration Theory and Practice
– one seminar from the ‘Academic Skills’ group
– one subject from the ‘Research Methods' group
– complete at least 120 hours total over two consecutive semesters of a given language from the ‘Language course’ group.
Over the course of their studies, each student must complete:
– Master Proseminar in 2nd semester of their studies
– Master Seminar & Thesis (incl. Protection of Intellectual Property Rights) from the 'Masters Seminar' group in 3rd, and 4th semesters of their studies
Furthermore, over the course of their studies, each student must fulfil the requirements specific to their selected Track.
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
obligatory | |||
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
160 | 5 | graded credit | elective |
30 | 5 | assessment | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
See additional information
Over the course of their studies, each student must complete the mandatory subjects for their selected Track, and choose subjects from among the group of elective courses for the tracks offered in a given academic year, earning a minimum total of 25 ECTS. The management of the Institute will indicate which subjects will be available in any given academic year.
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
obligatory | |||
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
obligatory | |||
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
150 | 5 | graded credit | elective |
240 | 15 | graded credit | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
See additional information
Student needs to gain at least 30 ECTS to complete this track.
15 ECTS by completeing the following courses:
- Political and Social History of CEE in the 20th Century: from the turn of Centuries to the end of World War II
- Political and Social History of CEE in the 20th Century: from World War II till the collapse of the Communist system
As well as one of the following:
- Foreign and International Relations in CEE - theories revisited
- Foreign and International Relations in CEE - view from the field
The remaining 15 ECTS need to be selected form the optional courses withinin this track.
Any remaining ECTS necessary to complete the program would need to be collected by first taking at least two courses from the other specialisation (i.e. European Culture and Heritage or EU Studies) or an Internhip, and then by taking any optional course on the MA level from the IES offer.
The management of the Institute will indicate which courses will be available in a given academic year.
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
obligatory | |||
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
obligatory | |||
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
150 | 5 | graded credit | elective |
240 | 15 | graded credit | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
15 | 3 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | assessment | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
See additional information
Student needs to gain at least 30 ECTS to complete this track.
15 ECTS by completeing the following courses:
- EU Institutions and the Decision-Making Process: Policy Practice in the EU
- EU Institutions and the Decision-Making Process: The Political System of the EU
- Introduction to Finances in the EU
- EU Foreign and Security Policy: Europe and global challenges
- EU Administration, Justice and Home Affairs: Actors, Norms and Challenges
- EU Administration, Justice and Home Affairs: Towards a European Administrative Space
The remaining 15 ECTS need to be selected form the optional courses withinin this track.
Any remaining ECTS necessary to complete the program would need to be collected by first taking at least two courses from the other specialisation (i.e. European Culture and Heritage or Central and Eastern European Studies) or an Internhip, and then by taking any optional course on the MA level from the IES offer.
The management of the Institute will indicate which courses will be available in a given academic year.
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
30 | 5 | assessment | obligatory |
60 | 10 | assessment | obligatory |
30 | 5 | assessment | obligatory |
30 | 5 | assessment | obligatory |
See additional information
In the first semester of the MA in Euroculture: Society, Politics and Culture in a Global Context, students need to conclude the following courses: European Civilisation (10 ECTS), Citizenship, Mobility and Multiculturalism in Europe: Theories and Processes (5 ECTS), Citizenship, Mobility and Multiculturalism in Europe: From Concepts to Practices (5 ECTS), EU Institutions and the Decision-Making Process: Policy Practice in the EU (5 ECTS), as well as Eurocomptences I: Core Skills (5 ECTS). In the second semester students must complete the following modules: Euroculture Methodology Seminar and IP Preparation (10 ECTS), Euroculture Research Seminar: Europe in the Wider World I (5 ECTS), Euroculture Research Seminar: Europe in the Wider World II (5 ECTS), Eurocomptence II: Cultural Project Management (5 ECTS), as well as the Intensive Programme (5 ECTS). In the third semester students have the choice of two tracks: the professional study track includes an Internship (25 ECTS), whereas the academic track includes the Euroculture Workshop: Connecting Academic, Research and Civil Communities (5 ECTS), as well as the Euroculture Research Track and Tutorship, (20 ECTS). All students in the third semester must complete the Euroculture Thesis Proposal (5 ECTS). The fourth semester consists of Eurocomptence III: Research or Professional Project Application Preparation and Writing (5 ECTS), as well as the MA thesis Seminar and Thesis (25 ECTS).
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
obligatory | |||
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
obligatory | |||
15 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
150 | 5 | graded credit | elective |
240 | 15 | graded credit | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | assessment | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
See additional information
Student needs to gain at least 30 ECTS to complete this track.
15 ECTS by completeing the following courses:
- Theory and Practice of Heritage
- Legal Protection of Heritage
- Europeanisation and Transformation of Collective Identities: Theoretical Considerations
- Europeanisation and Transformation of Collective Identities: From Concepts to Analysis
The remaining 15 ECTS need to be selected form the optional courses withinin this track.
Any remaining ECTS necessary to complete the program would need to be collected by first taking at least two courses from the other specialisation (i.e. EU studies or Central and Eastern European Studies) or an Internhip, and then by taking any optional course on the MA level from the IES offer.
The management of the Institute will indicate which courses will be available in a given academic year.
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
obligatory | |||
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
150 | 5 | graded credit | elective |
30 | 5 | assessment | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
See additional information
Over the course of their studies, each student must complete the mandatory subjects for their selected Track, and choose subjects from among the group of elective courses for the tracks offered in a given academic year, earning a minimum total of 25 ECTS. The management of the Institute will indicate which subjects will be available in any given academic year.
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
obligatory | |||
Each student must complete an MA Seminar in the 3rd and 4th semesters of their studies. The student chooses one of the following seminar groups: |
20 | 5 | assessment | elective |
20 | 5 | assessment | elective |
20 | 5 | assessment | elective |
See additional information
In their first year of study each student must complete the following mandatory courses:
– European Civilisation
– European Integration Theory and Practice
– one seminar from the ‘Academic Skills’ group
– one subject from the ‘Research Methods' group
– complete at least 120 hours total over two consecutive semesters of a given language from the ‘Language course’ group.
Over the course of their studies, each student must complete:
– Master Proseminar in 2nd semester of their studies
– Master Seminar & Thesis (incl. Protection of Intellectual Property Rights) from the 'Masters Seminar' group in 3rd, and 4th semesters of their studies
Furthermore, over the course of their studies, each student must fulfil the requirements specific to their selected Track.
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
obligatory | |||
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
160 | 5 | graded credit | elective |
30 | 5 | assessment | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
See additional information
Over the course of their studies, each student must complete the mandatory subjects for their selected Track, and choose subjects from among the group of elective courses for the tracks offered in a given academic year, earning a minimum total of 25 ECTS. The management of the Institute will indicate which subjects will be available in any given academic year.
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
obligatory | |||
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
obligatory | |||
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
150 | 5 | graded credit | elective |
240 | 15 | graded credit | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
See additional information
Student needs to gain at least 30 ECTS to complete this track.
15 ECTS by completeing the following courses:
- Political and Social History of CEE in the 20th Century: from the turn of Centuries to the end of World War II
- Political and Social History of CEE in the 20th Century: from World War II till the collapse of the Communist system
As well as one of the following:
- Foreign and International Relations in CEE - theories revisited
- Foreign and International Relations in CEE - view from the field
The remaining 15 ECTS need to be selected form the optional courses withinin this track.
Any remaining ECTS necessary to complete the program would need to be collected by first taking at least two courses from the other specialisation (i.e. European Culture and Heritage or EU Studies) or an Internhip, and then by taking any optional course on the MA level from the IES offer.
The management of the Institute will indicate which courses will be available in a given academic year.
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
obligatory | |||
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
obligatory | |||
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
150 | 5 | graded credit | elective |
240 | 15 | graded credit | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
15 | 3 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | assessment | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
See additional information
Student needs to gain at least 30 ECTS to complete this track.
15 ECTS by completeing the following courses:
- EU Institutions and the Decision-Making Process: Policy Practice in the EU
- EU Institutions and the Decision-Making Process: The Political System of the EU
- Introduction to Finances in the EU
- EU Foreign and Security Policy: Europe and global challenges
- EU Administration, Justice and Home Affairs: Actors, Norms and Challenges
- EU Administration, Justice and Home Affairs: Towards a European Administrative Space
The remaining 15 ECTS need to be selected form the optional courses withinin this track.
Any remaining ECTS necessary to complete the program would need to be collected by first taking at least two courses from the other specialisation (i.e. European Culture and Heritage or Central and Eastern European Studies) or an Internhip, and then by taking any optional course on the MA level from the IES offer.
The management of the Institute will indicate which courses will be available in a given academic year.
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
650 | 25 | assessment | elective |
20 | 5 | graded credit | elective |
15 | 20 | assessment | elective |
30 | 5 | assessment | obligatory |
See additional information
In the first semester of the MA in Euroculture: Society, Politics and Culture in a Global Context, students need to conclude the following courses: European Civilisation (10 ECTS), Citizenship, Mobility and Multiculturalism in Europe: Theories and Processes (5 ECTS), Citizenship, Mobility and Multiculturalism in Europe: From Concepts to Practices (5 ECTS), EU Institutions and the Decision-Making Process: Policy Practice in the EU (5 ECTS), as well as Eurocomptences I: Core Skills (5 ECTS). In the second semester students must complete the following modules: Euroculture Methodology Seminar and IP Preparation (10 ECTS), Euroculture Research Seminar: Europe in the Wider World I (5 ECTS), Euroculture Research Seminar: Europe in the Wider World II (5 ECTS), Eurocomptence II: Cultural Project Management (5 ECTS), as well as the Intensive Programme (5 ECTS). In the third semester students have the choice of two tracks: the professional study track includes an Internship (25 ECTS), whereas the academic track includes the Euroculture Workshop: Connecting Academic, Research and Civil Communities (5 ECTS), as well as the Euroculture Research Track and Tutorship, (20 ECTS). All students in the third semester must complete the Euroculture Thesis Proposal (5 ECTS). The fourth semester consists of Eurocomptence III: Research or Professional Project Application Preparation and Writing (5 ECTS), as well as the MA thesis Seminar and Thesis (25 ECTS).
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
obligatory | |||
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
obligatory | |||
15 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
150 | 5 | graded credit | elective |
240 | 15 | graded credit | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | assessment | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
See additional information
Student needs to gain at least 30 ECTS to complete this track.
15 ECTS by completeing the following courses:
- Theory and Practice of Heritage
- Legal Protection of Heritage
- Europeanisation and Transformation of Collective Identities: Theoretical Considerations
- Europeanisation and Transformation of Collective Identities: From Concepts to Analysis
The remaining 15 ECTS need to be selected form the optional courses withinin this track.
Any remaining ECTS necessary to complete the program would need to be collected by first taking at least two courses from the other specialisation (i.e. EU studies or Central and Eastern European Studies) or an Internhip, and then by taking any optional course on the MA level from the IES offer.
The management of the Institute will indicate which courses will be available in a given academic year.
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
obligatory | |||
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
150 | 5 | graded credit | elective |
30 | 5 | assessment | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
See additional information
Over the course of their studies, each student must complete the mandatory subjects for their selected Track, and choose subjects from among the group of elective courses for the tracks offered in a given academic year, earning a minimum total of 25 ECTS. The management of the Institute will indicate which subjects will be available in any given academic year.
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
obligatory | |||
Each student must complete an MA Seminar in the 3rd and 4th semesters of their studies. The student chooses one of the following seminar groups: |
20 | 25 | assessment | elective |
20 | 25 | assessment | elective |
20 | 25 | assessment | elective |
See additional information
In their first year of study each student must complete the following mandatory courses:
– European Civilisation
– European Integration Theory and Practice
– one seminar from the ‘Academic Skills’ group
– one subject from the ‘Research Methods' group
– complete at least 120 hours total over two consecutive semesters of a given language from the ‘Language course’ group.
Over the course of their studies, each student must complete:
– Master Proseminar in 2nd semester of their studies
– Master Seminar & Thesis (incl. Protection of Intellectual Property Rights) from the 'Masters Seminar' group in 3rd, and 4th semesters of their studies
Furthermore, over the course of their studies, each student must fulfil the requirements specific to their selected Track.
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
obligatory | |||
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
160 | 5 | graded credit | elective |
30 | 5 | assessment | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
See additional information
Over the course of their studies, each student must complete the mandatory subjects for their selected Track, and choose subjects from among the group of elective courses for the tracks offered in a given academic year, earning a minimum total of 25 ECTS. The management of the Institute will indicate which subjects will be available in any given academic year.
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
obligatory | |||
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
obligatory | |||
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
150 | 5 | graded credit | elective |
240 | 15 | graded credit | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
See additional information
Student needs to gain at least 30 ECTS to complete this track.
15 ECTS by completeing the following courses:
- Political and Social History of CEE in the 20th Century: from the turn of Centuries to the end of World War II
- Political and Social History of CEE in the 20th Century: from World War II till the collapse of the Communist system
As well as one of the following:
- Foreign and International Relations in CEE - theories revisited
- Foreign and International Relations in CEE - view from the field
The remaining 15 ECTS need to be selected form the optional courses withinin this track.
Any remaining ECTS necessary to complete the program would need to be collected by first taking at least two courses from the other specialisation (i.e. European Culture and Heritage or EU Studies) or an Internhip, and then by taking any optional course on the MA level from the IES offer.
The management of the Institute will indicate which courses will be available in a given academic year.
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
obligatory | |||
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
obligatory | |||
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
150 | 5 | graded credit | elective |
240 | 15 | graded credit | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
15 | 3 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | assessment | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
See additional information
Student needs to gain at least 30 ECTS to complete this track.
15 ECTS by completeing the following courses:
- EU Institutions and the Decision-Making Process: Policy Practice in the EU
- EU Institutions and the Decision-Making Process: The Political System of the EU
- Introduction to Finances in the EU
- EU Foreign and Security Policy: Europe and global challenges
- EU Administration, Justice and Home Affairs: Actors, Norms and Challenges
- EU Administration, Justice and Home Affairs: Towards a European Administrative Space
The remaining 15 ECTS need to be selected form the optional courses withinin this track.
Any remaining ECTS necessary to complete the program would need to be collected by first taking at least two courses from the other specialisation (i.e. European Culture and Heritage or Central and Eastern European Studies) or an Internhip, and then by taking any optional course on the MA level from the IES offer.
The management of the Institute will indicate which courses will be available in a given academic year.
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
30 | 5 | assessment | obligatory |
30 | 25 | assessment | obligatory |
See additional information
In the first semester of the MA in Euroculture: Society, Politics and Culture in a Global Context, students need to conclude the following courses: European Civilisation (10 ECTS), Citizenship, Mobility and Multiculturalism in Europe: Theories and Processes (5 ECTS), Citizenship, Mobility and Multiculturalism in Europe: From Concepts to Practices (5 ECTS), EU Institutions and the Decision-Making Process: Policy Practice in the EU (5 ECTS), as well as Eurocomptences I: Core Skills (5 ECTS). In the second semester students must complete the following modules: Euroculture Methodology Seminar and IP Preparation (10 ECTS), Euroculture Research Seminar: Europe in the Wider World I (5 ECTS), Euroculture Research Seminar: Europe in the Wider World II (5 ECTS), Eurocomptence II: Cultural Project Management (5 ECTS), as well as the Intensive Programme (5 ECTS). In the third semester students have the choice of two tracks: the professional study track includes an Internship (25 ECTS), whereas the academic track includes the Euroculture Workshop: Connecting Academic, Research and Civil Communities (5 ECTS), as well as the Euroculture Research Track and Tutorship, (20 ECTS). All students in the third semester must complete the Euroculture Thesis Proposal (5 ECTS). The fourth semester consists of Eurocomptence III: Research or Professional Project Application Preparation and Writing (5 ECTS), as well as the MA thesis Seminar and Thesis (25 ECTS).
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
obligatory | |||
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
obligatory | |||
15 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
150 | 5 | graded credit | elective |
240 | 15 | graded credit | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | assessment | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
See additional information
Student needs to gain at least 30 ECTS to complete this track.
15 ECTS by completeing the following courses:
- Theory and Practice of Heritage
- Legal Protection of Heritage
- Europeanisation and Transformation of Collective Identities: Theoretical Considerations
- Europeanisation and Transformation of Collective Identities: From Concepts to Analysis
The remaining 15 ECTS need to be selected form the optional courses withinin this track.
Any remaining ECTS necessary to complete the program would need to be collected by first taking at least two courses from the other specialisation (i.e. EU studies or Central and Eastern European Studies) or an Internhip, and then by taking any optional course on the MA level from the IES offer.
The management of the Institute will indicate which courses will be available in a given academic year.
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
obligatory | |||
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
150 | 5 | graded credit | elective |
30 | 5 | assessment | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
30 | 5 | exam | elective |
See additional information
Over the course of their studies, each student must complete the mandatory subjects for their selected Track, and choose subjects from among the group of elective courses for the tracks offered in a given academic year, earning a minimum total of 25 ECTS. The management of the Institute will indicate which subjects will be available in any given academic year.