Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
Health and Safety in Education
4 | - | assessment | obligatory |
30 | 3 | exam | obligatory |
60 | 4 | graded credit | obligatory |
51 | 3 | exam | obligatory |
80 | 6 | exam | obligatory |
40 | 3 | graded credit | obligatory |
120 | 8 | exam | obligatory |
60 | 5 | exam | obligatory |
60 | 7 | exam | obligatory |
65 | 5 | exam | elective |
obligatory | |||
30 | 2 | graded credit | elective |
30 | 2 | graded credit | elective |
Major Chemistry
Basic information
Faculty name: Faculty of Chemistry |
Major name: Chemistry |
Level: second cycle |
Form: full-time degree programme |
Profile: General academic |
ISCED classification: 0531 |
Number of semesters: 4 |
Language of study: polish |
Professional title awarded to graduates: magister |
Discipline: Chemical sciences |
Description of the program implementation
Obligatory courses in chemistry are carried out during the first semester of studies. From the second semester, students choose one of the specialization panels; the assignment to panels takes place according to the ranking taking into account the preferences of students and the result of admission to studies. The second year of studies is devoted mostly to research and preparation of the master's thesis.
Interested students have the opportunity to participate in additional classes preparing to obtain a license to teach chemistry.
1. A prerequisite for graduation is the successful completion of all courses, the submission of a diploma thesis, and a satisfactory grade in both the thesis and the written diploma examination.
2. The diploma dissertation is an independent study of a specific scientific issue presenting the student's general knowledge and skills related to a given field of study, level and profile of education as well as his/her independent analysis and reasoning skills.
3. The diploma thesis shall be submitted in a written form.
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
15 | 1 | assessment | obligatory |
30 | 3 | exam | elective |
30 | 3 | exam | elective |
30 | 3 | exam | elective |
15 | 1 | assessment | elective |
15 | 1 | exam | elective |
30 | 3 | graded credit | elective |
30 | 2 | graded credit | elective |
15 | 1 | assessment | elective |
15 | 1 | assessment | elective |
15 | 3 | exam | elective |
15 | 3 | exam | elective |
15 | 3 | exam | elective |
30 | 3 | exam | elective |
30 | 3 | graded credit | elective |
30 | 3 | exam | elective |
30 | 3 | exam | elective |
15 | 1 | graded credit | elective |
15 | 1 | exam | elective |
30 | 3 | exam | elective |
45 | 3 | assessment | elective |
45 | 3 | assessment | elective |
45 | 3 | graded credit | elective |
45 | 4 | assessment | elective |
45 | 4 | assessment | elective |
30 | 3 | exam | elective |
15 | 1 | graded credit | elective |
15 | 1 | assessment | elective |
15 | 1 | exam | elective |
30 | 3 | exam | elective |
30 | 3 | exam | elective |
30 | 2 | graded credit | elective |
30 | 3 | exam | elective |
30 | 2 | graded credit | elective |
30 | 3 | graded credit | elective |
30 | 3 | exam | elective |
30 | 3 | assessment | elective |
30 | 3 | exam | elective |
45 | 5 | assessment | elective |
45 | 5 | assessment | elective |
30 | 3 | assessment | elective |
30 | 3 | exam | elective |
30 | 1 | graded credit | elective |
15 | 1 | graded credit | elective |
15 | 1 | assessment | elective |
30 | 3 | assessment | elective |
obligatory | |||
Student realizuje jeden przedmiot | ||||
30 | 2 | exam | elective |
30 | 2 | exam | elective |
See additional information
Students must pass either "Theoretical Chemistry - Small Course" or Theoretical Chemistry - Large Course consisting of the courses: "Theoretical Chemistry - Large Course - Elements of Static Mechanics and Thermodynamics" and "Theoretical Chemistry - Large Course - Quantum Chemistry". Compulsory courses in the first year may be taken in Polish or English. During the course of study, students must complete courses in the humanities and/or social sciences of 4 ECTS and a course in English of at least 30 hours of at least 3 ECTS.
With the agreement of the Vice-Dean for Teaching, the student may complete optional subjects in accordance with the course of study and optional subjects from the group of humanities and social sciences subjects outside the catalogue below. Students must complete the optional subjects to the extent that a total of 60 ECTS is obtained in the first year and 60 ECTS in the second year. Any surplus credits obtained in the first year of study will be credited to the second year.
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
30 | 3 | exam | obligatory |
30 | 3 | exam | obligatory |
30 | 3 | graded credit | obligatory |
30 | 3 | exam | obligatory |
15 | 2 | graded credit | obligatory |
150 | 11 | graded credit | obligatory |
15 | 1 | graded credit | obligatory |
15 | 1 | exam | obligatory |
15 | 1 | exam | obligatory |
See additional information
A first-year student chooses one of the Panels.
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
60 | 6 | exam | obligatory |
30 | 2 | assessment | obligatory |
15 | 1 | graded credit | obligatory |
15 | 1 | assessment | obligatory |
30 | 3 | graded credit | obligatory |
60 | 6 | graded credit | obligatory |
45 | 4 | graded credit | obligatory |
30 | 3 | exam | obligatory |
See additional information
A first-year student chooses one of the Panels.
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
30 | 3 | exam | obligatory |
30 | 3 | exam | obligatory |
30 | 3 | exam | obligatory |
30 | 2 | assessment | obligatory |
45 | 3 | graded credit | obligatory |
60 | 6 | assessment | obligatory |
30 | 2 | graded credit | obligatory |
45 | 3 | assessment | obligatory |
30 | 3 | exam | obligatory |
See additional information
A first-year student chooses one of the Panels.
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
30 | 3 | graded credit | obligatory |
15 | 2 | exam | obligatory |
15 | 1 | assessment | obligatory |
30 | 3 | exam | obligatory |
30 | 3 | graded credit | obligatory |
30 | 3 | exam | obligatory |
45 | 5 | assessment | obligatory |
75 | 4 | graded credit | obligatory |
See additional information
A first-year student chooses one of the Panels.
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
30 | 3 | assessment | obligatory |
45 | 4 | exam | obligatory |
45 | 4 | exam | obligatory |
20 | 2 | assessment | obligatory |
180 | 12 | assessment | obligatory |
See additional information
A first-year student chooses one of the Panels.
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
30 | 3 | graded credit | obligatory |
15 | 1 | graded credit | obligatory |
60 | 5 | assessment | obligatory |
60 | 6 | exam | obligatory |
60 | 6 | assessment | obligatory |
30 | 2 | exam | obligatory |
15 | 1 | assessment | obligatory |
15 | 1 | exam | obligatory |
See additional information
A first-year student chooses one of the Panels.
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
30 | 3 | graded credit | obligatory |
15 | 1 | graded credit | obligatory |
60 | 5 | assessment | obligatory |
30 | 2 | exam | obligatory |
30 | 3 | exam | obligatory |
45 | 4 | exam | obligatory |
60 | 6 | graded credit | obligatory |
15 | 1 | exam | obligatory |
See additional information
A first-year student chooses one of the Panels.
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
150 | 13 | exam | obligatory |
105 | 9 | exam | obligatory |
15 | 1 | assessment | obligatory |
60 | 5 | exam | obligatory |
See additional information
A first-year student chooses one of the Panels.
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
30 | 3 | exam | obligatory |
15 | 1 | assessment | obligatory |
30 | 3 | exam | obligatory |
30 | 2 | graded credit | obligatory |
120 | 9 | assessment | obligatory |
30 | 3 | assessment | obligatory |
30 | 3 | assessment | obligatory |
See additional information
A first-year student chooses one of the Panels.
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
30 | 3 | exam | obligatory |
15 | 1 | assessment | obligatory |
15 | 1 | assessment | obligatory |
30 | 3 | exam | obligatory |
15 | 1 | assessment | obligatory |
30 | 3 | graded credit | obligatory |
30 | 3 | exam | obligatory |
90 | 6 | graded credit | obligatory |
15 | 1 | graded credit | obligatory |
15 | 1 | assessment | obligatory |
30 | 2 | graded credit | obligatory |
See additional information
A first-year student chooses one of the Panels.
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
15 | 1 | exam | obligatory |
30 | 2 | exam | obligatory |
30 | 2 | exam | obligatory |
30 | 2 | exam | obligatory |
150 | 13 | graded credit | obligatory |
30 | 4 | graded credit | obligatory |
15 | 1 | graded credit | obligatory |
15 | 1 | exam | obligatory |
See additional information
A first-year student chooses one of the Panels.
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
150 | 12 | exam | obligatory |
90 | 8 | exam | obligatory |
45 | 4 | graded credit | obligatory |
45 | 4 | exam | obligatory |
See additional information
A first-year student chooses one of the Panels.
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
30 | 2 | assessment | obligatory |
120 | 8 | assessment | obligatory |
See additional information
A first-year student chooses one of the Panels. With approval from the coordinator of the specialization panel, the student may select optional courses from those offered by the Faculty of Chemistry, the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science, the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science.
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
30 | - | - | obligatory |
30 | 2 | exam | elective |
90 | 10 | exam | elective |
45 | 5 | exam | elective |
45 | 5 | graded credit | elective |
20 | 2 | exam | elective |
40 | 3 | assessment | elective |
15 | 1 | assessment | elective |
30 | 3 | graded credit | elective |
65 | 5 | exam | elective |
250 | - | - | obligatory |
30 | 2 | graded credit | elective |
30 | 2 | graded credit | elective |
See additional information
Students must pass either "Theoretical Chemistry - Small Course" or Theoretical Chemistry - Large Course consisting of the courses: "Theoretical Chemistry - Large Course - Elements of Static Mechanics and Thermodynamics" and "Theoretical Chemistry - Large Course - Quantum Chemistry". Compulsory courses in the first year may be taken in Polish or English. During the course of study, students must complete courses in the humanities and/or social sciences of 4 ECTS and a course in English of at least 30 hours of at least 3 ECTS.
With the agreement of the Vice-Dean for Teaching, the student may complete optional subjects in accordance with the course of study and optional subjects from the group of humanities and social sciences subjects outside the catalogue below. Students must complete the optional subjects to the extent that a total of 60 ECTS is obtained in the first year and 60 ECTS in the second year. Any surplus credits obtained in the first year of study will be credited to the second year.
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
30 | 3 | exam | obligatory |
See additional information
A first-year student chooses one of the Panels.
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
30 | 3 | exam | obligatory |
See additional information
A first-year student chooses one of the Panels.
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
30 | 3 | exam | obligatory |
15 | 1 | graded credit | obligatory |
See additional information
A first-year student chooses one of the Panels.
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
15 | 2 | graded credit | obligatory |
15 | 1 | graded credit | obligatory |
See additional information
A first-year student chooses one of the Panels.
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
30 | 2 | exam | obligatory |
See additional information
A first-year student chooses one of the Panels.
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
30 | 4 | assessment | obligatory |
30 | 3 | exam | elective |
30 | 3 | exam | elective |
30 | 3 | exam | elective |
15 | 1 | assessment | elective |
15 | 1 | exam | elective |
30 | 3 | graded credit | elective |
30 | 2 | graded credit | elective |
15 | 1 | assessment | elective |
15 | 1 | assessment | elective |
15 | 3 | exam | elective |
15 | 3 | exam | elective |
15 | 3 | exam | elective |
30 | 3 | exam | elective |
30 | 3 | graded credit | elective |
30 | 3 | exam | elective |
30 | 3 | exam | elective |
15 | 1 | graded credit | elective |
15 | 1 | exam | elective |
30 | 3 | exam | elective |
45 | 3 | assessment | elective |
45 | 3 | assessment | elective |
45 | 3 | graded credit | elective |
45 | 4 | assessment | elective |
30 | 3 | exam | elective |
15 | 1 | graded credit | elective |
15 | 1 | assessment | elective |
15 | 1 | exam | elective |
30 | 3 | exam | elective |
30 | 3 | exam | elective |
30 | 2 | graded credit | elective |
30 | 3 | exam | elective |
30 | 2 | graded credit | elective |
30 | 3 | graded credit | elective |
30 | 3 | exam | elective |
30 | 3 | assessment | elective |
30 | 3 | exam | elective |
45 | 5 | assessment | elective |
45 | 5 | assessment | elective |
30 | 3 | assessment | elective |
30 | 3 | exam | elective |
30 | 1 | graded credit | elective |
15 | 1 | graded credit | elective |
250 | 46 | assessment | obligatory |
45 | 4 | assessment | elective |
15 | 1 | assessment | elective |
30 | 3 | assessment | elective |
See additional information
Students must pass either "Theoretical Chemistry - Small Course" or Theoretical Chemistry - Large Course consisting of the courses: "Theoretical Chemistry - Large Course - Elements of Static Mechanics and Thermodynamics" and "Theoretical Chemistry - Large Course - Quantum Chemistry". Compulsory courses in the first year may be taken in Polish or English. During the course of study, students must complete courses in the humanities and/or social sciences of 4 ECTS and a course in English of at least 30 hours of at least 3 ECTS.
With the agreement of the Vice-Dean for Teaching, the student may complete optional subjects in accordance with the course of study and optional subjects from the group of humanities and social sciences subjects outside the catalogue below. Students must complete the optional subjects to the extent that a total of 60 ECTS is obtained in the first year and 60 ECTS in the second year. Any surplus credits obtained in the first year of study will be credited to the second year.