Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
30 | 4 | exam | obligatory |
30 | 5 | exam | obligatory |
20 | 3 | exam | obligatory |
30 | 4 | exam | obligatory |
20 | 4 | graded credit | obligatory |
20 | 4 | graded credit | obligatory |
20 | 4 | assessment | obligatory |
4 | - | assessment | obligatory |
10 | 2 | graded credit | obligatory |
Major Management—Business, Human Resources, International
Basic information
Faculty name: Faculty of Management and Social Communication |
Major name: Management—Business, Human Resources, International |
Level: first cycle |
Form: part-time degree programme |
Profile: General academic |
ISCED classification: 0413 |
Number of semesters: 6 |
Language of study: polish |
Professional title awarded to graduates: licencjat |
Leading discipline: Management science and quality |
Description of the program implementation
Program studiów obejmuje 6 semestrów. W planie zostały ujęte obligatoryjne i fakultatywne moduły kształcenia. Zajęcia fakultatywne zaczynają się w 3 semestrze. Główne obszary merytoryczne modułów kształcenia odnoszą się do szeroko rozumianego zarządzania, ze szczególnym uwzglednienim zagadnień zarządzania firmą, personelem i zarządzania międzynarodowego. Począwszy od 4 semestru studenci wybierają odpowiednią ścieżkę kształcenia mieszczącą się w tych trzech obszarach. Moduły kształcenia obejmują również prawne, technologiczne, finansowe oraz makro i mikroekonomiczne aspekty funkcjonowania przedsiębiorstw, jak i elementy związane z narzędziami wykorzystywanymi do oceny skutków działalności podmiotów gospodarczych w obszarze zarządzania firmą, personelem, informacjami oraz majątkiem rzeczowym i finansowym organizacji. W module kształcenia uwzgledniono również realizację praktyk studenckich, pozwalających na zdobywanie praktycznych umiejętności zgodnych z przewidzianymi dla kierunku efektami uczenia się. Podstawowe rodzaje zajęć dydaktycznych obejmują wykłady, ćwiczenia i konwersatoria. Część ćwiczeń jest realizowana w pracowni komputerowej w oparciu o systemy informatyczne.
Ukończenie studiów na kierunku wymaga przygotowania przez studenta pracy dyplomowej oraz zdania egzaminu dyplomowego.
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
40 | 5 | exam | obligatory |
20 | 3 | exam | obligatory |
30 | 4 | exam | obligatory |
20 | 3 | exam | obligatory |
20 | 3 | graded credit | obligatory |
20 | 4 | assessment | obligatory |
30 | 4 | exam | obligatory |
20 | 4 | exam | obligatory |
See additional information
Począwszy od 4 semestru studiów studenci realizują program w jednej z trzech ścieżek kształcenia: Zarządzanie firmą, Zarządzanie międzynarodowe, Zarządzanie personelem.Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
20 | 3 | graded credit | obligatory |
30 | 4 | exam | obligatory |
20 | 3 | exam | obligatory |
English Course
20 | - | assessment | obligatory |
20 | 4 | exam | obligatory |
10 | 1 | assessment | obligatory |
30 | 4 | exam | obligatory |
20 | 3 | exam | elective |
20 | 4 | exam | elective |
15 | 2 | exam | elective |
15 | 2 | exam | elective |
See additional information
Począwszy od 4 semestru studiów studenci realizują program w jednej z trzech ścieżek kształcenia: Zarządzanie firmą, Zarządzanie międzynarodowe, Zarządzanie personelem.Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
20 | 3 | assessment | obligatory |
40 | 5 | exam | obligatory |
20 | 3 | exam | obligatory |
English Course
20 | - | assessment | obligatory |
120 | 4 | assessment | obligatory |
30 | 4 | exam | elective |
15 | 3 | graded credit | elective |
20 | 3 | assessment | elective |
15 | 2 | assessment | elective |
30 | 4 | exam | elective |
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
15 | 2 | exam | obligatory |
20 | 3 | exam | obligatory |
10 | 2 | assessment | obligatory |
20 | 3 | exam | obligatory |
English Course
20 | - | assessment | obligatory |
120 | 4 | assessment | obligatory |
30 | 4 | exam | elective |
15 | 3 | graded credit | elective |
20 | 3 | assessment | elective |
15 | 2 | assessment | elective |
30 | 4 | exam | elective |
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
10 | 2 | assessment | obligatory |
40 | 5 | exam | obligatory |
20 | 3 | assessment | obligatory |
English Course
20 | - | assessment | obligatory |
120 | 4 | assessment | obligatory |
30 | 4 | exam | elective |
15 | 3 | graded credit | elective |
20 | 3 | assessment | elective |
15 | 2 | assessment | elective |
30 | 4 | exam | elective |
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
20 | 3 | exam | obligatory |
15 | 3 | exam | obligatory |
20 | 3 | exam | obligatory |
20 | 3 | graded credit | obligatory |
30 | 5 | assessment | obligatory |
English Course
20 | - | assessment | obligatory |
20 | 3 | assessment | elective |
20 | 3 | exam | elective |
15 | 3 | exam | elective |
10 | 2 | graded credit | elective |
15 | 2 | assessment | elective |
15 | 3 | exam | elective |
10 | 3 | graded credit | elective |
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
20 | 3 | exam | obligatory |
15 | 2 | exam | obligatory |
15 | 2 | exam | obligatory |
15 | 2 | exam | obligatory |
10 | 2 | assessment | obligatory |
English Course
20 | - | assessment | obligatory |
30 | 5 | assessment | obligatory |
20 | 3 | assessment | elective |
20 | 3 | exam | elective |
15 | 3 | exam | elective |
10 | 2 | graded credit | elective |
15 | 2 | assessment | elective |
15 | 3 | exam | elective |
10 | 3 | graded credit | elective |
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
20 | 3 | exam | obligatory |
15 | 2 | exam | obligatory |
15 | 2 | exam | obligatory |
15 | 3 | exam | obligatory |
10 | 2 | assessment | obligatory |
English Course
20 | - | assessment | obligatory |
30 | 5 | assessment | obligatory |
20 | 3 | assessment | elective |
20 | 3 | exam | elective |
15 | 3 | exam | elective |
10 | 2 | graded credit | elective |
15 | 2 | assessment | elective |
15 | 3 | exam | elective |
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
20 | 3 | assessment | obligatory |
20 | 3 | graded credit | obligatory |
English Course
20 | 6 | exam | obligatory |
30 | 5 | assessment | obligatory |
15 | 3 | exam | elective |
15 | 3 | exam | elective |
15 | 3 | exam | elective |
15 | 3 | exam | elective |
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
20 | 3 | assessment | obligatory |
20 | 3 | graded credit | obligatory |
English Course
20 | 6 | exam | obligatory |
30 | 5 | assessment | obligatory |
15 | 3 | exam | elective |
15 | 3 | exam | elective |
15 | 3 | exam | elective |
15 | 3 | exam | elective |
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
15 | 2 | exam | obligatory |
15 | 2 | exam | obligatory |
10 | 2 | graded credit | obligatory |
English Course
20 | 6 | exam | obligatory |
30 | 5 | assessment | obligatory |
15 | 3 | exam | elective |
15 | 3 | exam | elective |
15 | 3 | exam | elective |
10 | 3 | graded credit | elective |
15 | 3 | exam | elective |